Mummy Fairy and Me: Fairy-in-Waiting

sophie’s introduction
I am thrilled to be introducing the second book in the Mummy Fairy series. Fairy-in-Waiting features four more exciting escapades, including magic spells, some extremely cheeky monkeys and the best birthday party ever!
These books started during my own children’s story time as I created the characters of Ella and her fairy mother for them. As I started to invent more stories, I found that I began taking inspiration from the most unexpected places. One of the adventures in the book is inspired by a wardrobe we’ve had in our house for years that always looks like it might have a very mischievous personality if it suddenly sprang to life!
I can’t wait for you to read about Ella and her magical mother in Fairy-in-Waiting, and I hope these new adventures will sprinkle a little fairy dust over story time with your own children!
Ella Brook is used to being a fairy in waiting. It means that one day she will become a fairy with her own sparkly wings and Computawand, just like her mother.
But sometimes Ella doesn’t want to have to wait any longer. After all, she already helps to remember magic codes all the time! If only there were a spell for growing up faster.
Will Ella prove that she’s ready to become a fairy? Or will she learn that she doesn’t need real magic to save the day?
Ice cream for everyone
We were going on holiday to France. There was going to be a beach and a swimming pool and boats to sail on. I had a new stripy swimsuit and a new hat, and even a new red suitcase with wheels. Wardrobe was left in charge of the house while we were away. Even though he doesn’t like magic very much, Daddy said Wardrobe would be better than any guard dog.
Mummy Fairy was having a lesson from Fenella on FairyTube. They were doing magic packing. She waved her Computawand, pressed a code – bleep-bleep-bloop – and said, ‘Packeridoo!’ But all the clothes whirled around the room and landed on our heads.
‘Oops,’ said Mummy Fairy. ‘Wrong code.’ She pressed a different number and tried again: ‘Packeridoo!’
At once all the clothes folded themselves neatly and put themselves in our suitcases. Magic is very useful sometimes.
When Mummy’s magic lesson was over, I said, ‘I wish I could do the Packeridoo spell every day, instead of having to pack my school bag. I wish I could do magic now.’
‘You’ll be able to do it one day,’ said Mummy, smiling. She gave me a hug, then said, ‘Have you packed your goggles?’
‘Of course!’ I said. ‘I’m going to swim every single day.’
At the airport it was very, very crowded. There were people and trolleys and suitcases everywhere. We couldn’t see where to go. Daddy went off to ask someone, but he didn’t come back for ages. Ollie dropped his teddy and started crying. A man ran over Mummy’s foot with his trolley by mistake. More and more people were arriving and everyone was squashed. Mummy looked cross.
‘There are too many people here!’ she said. ‘We’ll never get to France!’ She pulled us behind a trolley piled high with luggage so that no one could see. Then she stamped her feet three times, clapped her hands, wiggled her bottom and said, ‘Marshmallow’ . . . and POOF! she was Mummy Fairy.
She waved her Computawand at the crowds of people around us, pressed a code – bleep-bleep-bloop – and said, ‘Empteridoo!’
At once the airport was empty. There were no people or suitcases or trolleys. There were no check-in desks or signs. There were no planes outside.
There was no airport at all! Just a big empty building and our family. Daddy came walking across the big empty space. He rolled his eyes.
‘Don’t tell me,’ he said. ‘Magic.’ ‘Oops,’ said Mummy Fairy. ‘I don’t know how that happened.’
‘There are no planes,’ I said, and I started crying. ‘Now we can’t go on holiday!’ I wouldn’t be able to use my new suitcase or go swimming in my goggles. ‘We will go on holiday!’ said Mummy Fairy, and she gave me a hug. ‘Don’t worry, Ella. I will magic the airport back.’
‘And then, maybe, put the Computawand away?’ said Daddy. ‘Just for a week.’
audio extract
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